
Project Prospectuses

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 11 years, 1 month ago


The following are "mock project prospectuses" that graduate students in English 236, "Digital Humanities: Introduction to the Field" (UC Santa Barbara, Fall 2013) created at the end of the course.  Ideally, a course in the digital humanities would ask students to build a digital project.  But due to the time constraints of a ten-week course in a quarter system, it was impractical for students both to accomplish the readings and ongoing assignments and also to execute a full-scale digital humanities project.  As explained on the course Assignments page, therefore, students were asked to create a detailed prospectus for a digital humanities project in the form of a hypothetical grant proposal complete with abstract, narrative, "environmental scan" (or literature review), discussion of tools to be used, and a work plan with budget.  The idea is for graduate students to incubate projects that, if implemented, could position them as innovators in their field who use the digital humanities or as contributors to the digital humanities field itself (with its near relations in new media studies, media archaeology, etc.)

      Students in the course made "lightning presentations" of their project prospectuses on Dec 3, 2013 (Storify of presentations).



Project Prospectuses


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